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SwamiCity is designed to ease the stress travelers feel when they attempt to find their way and get to know a major city. The SwamiCity app provides a-cinch-to-navigate, city-based information that’s easily accessed on an iPhone and other mobile platforms. And, because we believe it takes a village to know about one, SwamiCity relies strongly on community and user-generated content. This allows iPhone and other mobile platform users to dive right in and experience the city like a seasoned local.

What’s really sweet about SwamiCity is ease of use. We know that the last thing people want to do is stand on an unknown street corner and fumble with their phone. SwamiCity allows users to access all types of important data like flight info, subway maps, traffic, weather, and restaurant reviews—all normally found in separate applications-- in one super app.

Helping people find their way and make the most of their stay: that’s what SwamiCity is about. And that’s what the people who built it are about too.